July 1, 2009Dynaudio Excite X12 Loudspeakers
Dynaudio International, founded in 1977, has grown into a speaker-making powerhouse
offering a broad range of models for every budget and selling them worldwide. One step up
from their entry-level DM line and four steps down from their top series, the Evidences,
Dynaudios new Excite series of speakers includes one center and four main models. At
the top of the range is a three-way floorstander, the X36 ($3600 USD/pair), and a two-way
floorstander, the X32 ($2800/pair). Below these are two stand-mounted two-ways, the X16
($1600/pair) and the subject of this review, the X12 ($1200/pair). The X22 center-channel
speaker ($850 each) allows you to create a complete Excite-based home-theater system.
I suspect that, given the choice, most reviewers would opt
to review the biggest, most expensive model in any given line of speakers. Im the
opposite. My priorities -- affordability, practicality, and value -- are things that I
think most consumers are looking for, and theyre usually found at the bottom of a
speaker line, not the top. Hence my decision to find out what the bottommost speaker in
Dynaudios second-lowest line could deliver.
The X12 is small -- 11.2"H x 6.7"W x 10"D --
and, at about 14 pounds, fairly light. But its robust. Made of MDF, the X12 feels
more like a dense, solid block than a hollow box. Rapping a knuckle on a sidepanel
produced the sound of a supersturdy cabinet; the front baffle, in particular, seems
All Excite models, the X12 included, are finished extremely
well, with real-wood veneers on all sides except the baffle, which is an attractive
gun-metal gray. The standard real-wood veneers are maple, cherry, rosewood, and black ash.
(The Dynaudio reps let me know that white and black high-gloss finishes -- complete with
gloss front baffles -- will soon be available for $1275/pair.)
Each X12 has a 1" silk-dome tweeter and a 5.5"
magnesium-silicate polymer woofer, crossed over at 2kHz with first-order slopes.
First-order crossovers are desirable because they produce minimal phase shift; the
downside of such crossovers is that because they have a very shallow slope of 6dB/octave,
there is a broad overlap of the drivers outputs, each driver operating far beyond
the crossover point. Whether thats good or bad will largely depend on the drivers
themselves, and how well the engineers have implemented the design.
The specs are what youd expect for a speaker of this
size and configuration. Dynaudio says that the X12s sensitivity is 86dB/2.83V/m, its
impedance 4 ohms, and its -3dB down point about 50Hz. One thing worth pointing out is the
X12s "impedance correction" circuit, which Dynaudio says kicks in above
100Hz to smooth out the impedance and thus present the amplifier with a friendlier load.
This will give amps that might normally balk at the X12s lowish load of 4 ohms -- i.e.,
many A/V receivers and numerous tube amps -- a fighting chance.
System and setup
I had the X12s for about six months, and so was able to use
them with a wide variety of amplifiers, including a Zanden Model 600 integrated, which
puts out only 30Wpc. They sounded fine. Mostly, though, I drove them with the Classé
Audio CAP-2100 integrated, whose 100Wpc provided way more than enough power. Toward the
end of the review period, I also used the X12s as part of a two-channel music and
home-theater system that included the Anthem Statement D2v A/V processor; the speakers
were driven by two channels of the Axiom Audio A1400-8 eight-channel amp.
During that time I used many different digital sources that
varied considerably in price: the very inexpensive Oppo Digital DV-480H universal player,
the moderately priced Stello CDT100/DA100 Signature transport and DAC, and the
ultra-expensive Simaudio Moon Evolution SuperNova CD player. Cables were DH Labs
least-expensive models: White Lightning interconnects and ST-100 speaker cables.
Stand height proved important. I found that if the X12s
were placed too high, the midrange could sound slightly recessed. With the tweeters
slightly below ear height, the balance was ideal. I settled on 24"-high Foundation
speaker stands, which put the X12s tweeters about 32" above the floor, or about
6" below my ear height when seated. (The usual height for a tweeter optimized for
on-axis listening in my room is between 36" and 39".)
The overall character of the X12 was precisely what I
expect from a small, modern, high-quality loudspeaker. Provided my ears were slightly
above the tweeter axis, it had a relatively neutral balance with no obvious sags or
exaggerations. As I said above, while the highs sounded right with my ears on the tweeter
axes or even a little below, the midband sounded a touch depressed. I definitely liked
listening from slightly higher up.
The bass was decent but didnt extend too low --
hardly surprising, given the X12s small size. Still, the X12 delivered clean, tight
bass down to about 60Hz before falling off the cliff. This is just enough
bass for those who, like me, are willing to forgo deep bass so long as everything else is
right; i.e., the upper bass straight through to the highs. But to those who want
deep bass -- real bass -- the X12 will likely sound light. Those people should
either look at a bigger Excite model or consider using the X12 with a subwoofer.
For me, the sound of the X12 was quite alright -- despite
its lack of low bass, this little speaker didnt just do everything else right above
that range, it did a number things better than has any like-priced speaker I know. Such
strengths make the X12 special -- the single word fellow reviewer Colin Smith
attached to them after hed heard them at my place under the unique conditions
described below.
The first time Colin heard the X12s, I hadnt told him
which speakers in my listening room were playing. Instead, before letting him into the
room, I turned off all the lights so that the room was pitch black, then led him to the
listening chair, where he sat as I played him a few tracks, mostly of acoustic music with
a strong vocal element and a proper recording of acoustic space of the recording venues.
These included Stings "Angel Eyes," from the Leaving Las Vegas
soundtrack (CD, Pangea/I.R.S. 36071), and Greg Keelors "No Landing," from Gone
(CD, WEA 17513). In this informal "blind test," I asked Colin not to try to
identify the make and model of the speakers he was listening to, but rather their size and
Right off the bat, the absence of deep bass told Colin that
it wasnt a very large speaker. But because of how spacious it sounded, he
didnt think its sound was particularly "light." In the end, he concluded
that he was listening to a stand-mounted design about twice the X12s actual size, or
even a small floorstander. Then I flicked on the lights. When Colin saw that hed
been listening to a speaker only a fraction of the size hed imagined, his eyes
opened wide. He could hardly believe it. The sense of spaciousness created by the Excite
X12s was better than that from any other small speaker I know.
Nor was space the only thing they did well. Their stereo
imaging had pinpoint precision. Even with the X12s placed 10 or so apart, I was able
to get strong center-fill. When a singers voice was mixed rock-solid and dead-center
in front of the instruments -- as on Bob Dylans Oh Mercy (CD, Columbia CK
45281) -- I always got an image that occupied a solid space in the middle with just the
right amount of size and presence, but without ever pulling too much to either side. The
result was nearly holographic.
Another strength of the X12 was its clarity in the
midrange, particularly with voices. The X12 sounded incisive, direct, and what I like to
call "free" -- free from the colorations that make you all too aware that what
youre hearing are sounds from a box. Instead, the X12 had the transparency of an
electrostatic speaker, which made voices sound very real and alive. As I write this,
Im listening to Bruce Cockburns new live album, Slice O Life: Live Solo
(CD, True North TND520). His voice has an airy, effortless quality that floats free of the
X12s cabinets. If I couldnt see the speakers, Id have a tough time
pinpointing the source of the sounds.
The same natural ease and freedom held true for female
voice. Ive become a big fan of T.V. Carpios cover of the Beatles "I
Want to Hold Your Hand," from the Across the Universe soundtrack (CD,
Interscope B000980102). Through the X12s, I heard great detail and just the right amount
of presence, but not so much that the voice became overblown. The voice sounded real, the
X12s projecting it out to create an amazing illusion of a real singer in my listening
The X12s highs were also special in being well
extended, supersweet, and never having that top-end edginess or listening fatigue so often
associated with budget-priced speakers. For example, Cockburns guitar on Slice O
Life had the kind of extension and incisiveness it should, but without any of the
hardness or edge or brittleness that can set in through lesser speakers. Cymbals never
"splashed," or had that awful frying-bacon sound. Like its midrange, the
X12s highs floated free of the cabinets, and again -- if I hadnt been able to
see the speakers, Id have had a tough time saying where they were in the room. In
this vein, Id be more likely to compare the X12 with a speaker like the Paradigm
Signature S2 v.1, which retails for one-third more ($1600/pair), than with any speaker
costing less.
By virtue of its size, the X12 wouldnt do superdeep
bass, or play loud enough to fill a really big room. I made the mistake of watching Bryan
Singers Valkyrie at too high a volume in my very large room, using the X12s
as the main speaker, with no sub. The X12s distorted quite badly during one particularly
loud bomb blast, causing me to rush for the remote control to turn down the volume. But
within its limits, the X12s were remarkably refined performers that were commendably
neutral and could render an uncanny sense of space. Finally, the highs werent just
extended, but sweet and effortless -- the kind of performance found in speakers costing
quite a bit more. These are the qualities that make the Excite X12, in Colins word, special.

See our Dynaudio Excite X12 photo gallery.
A few months ago, when I reviewed Paradigms Reference Studio 10 v.5,
I concluded that "it is now my top choice for a compact two-way loudspeaker costing
under $1000/pair." That hasnt changed. The Studio 10 v.5 is a very good deal
for $798/pair, doing some things better than speakers priced much higher. For example, the
Studio 10 extends lower in the bass than does the Excite X12, and can play quite a bit
louder without strain. I played punishing movie soundtracks through the Studio 10 v.5s and
was in awe of how clean they sounded, even at close to ear-splitting levels. The Studio 10
also sounds very neutral, drawing little attention to itself and acting more or less as an
open conduit for the sound. Overall, the Reference Studio 10 v.5 is a great all-around
speaker -- a moderately priced two-way that does many things right and very little wrong.
Dynaudios Excite X12, however, has its own charms, as
well as some strengths that, to some, will justify the 50% leap in price. Despite the
Paradigm Studio 10 v.5 going deeper in the bass, which often helps create a greater sense
of space, it was the X12s that actually sounded more spacious. As a result, the X12s
soundstage was also a touch larger, but at the same time a little more precise. For a
combination of spaciousness and soundstage precision, the Excite X12 is the best
low-priced speaker I know.
In the midrange, it was hard to pick a clear winner --
though both had strengths here, they were slightly different strengths. The Reference
Studio 10 v.5 is superneutral, highly detailed, and very precise -- perhaps even more
neutral and evenhanded than the Excite X12. But in comparison to the X12, the Studio 10
can sound just a touch closed-in, not quite as effortless and free. Whereas voices leapt
from the X12s, theyre tied by a shorter tether to the Studio 10s cabinets. And
I rate the X12s midband transparency a notch higher.
Then theres the one small knock I had against the
Paradigm Studio 10 v.5: its highs. The Studio 10s top end is very clean but a touch
dry, which can make it sound a bit clinical at times. The X12 sounded clean, provided it
was played within its limits (the Studio 10 v.5 can take far more high-volume abuse), but
its supersweet, and a little more effortless and airy than the Paradigm. As
Ive said, Id compare this aspect of the X12s performance to speakers
costing more, not less.
In visual appeal and build quality, the two models are
different but still comparable. The Studio 10 v.5 costs a good bit less than the Excite
X12, but looks as if it costs just as much, if not more -- Paradigm has done a bang-up job
in this department. Unlike the Studio 10, the X12s overall quality doesnt
exceed its price -- its just a very-well-made speaker with very good
fitnfinish -- but its no letdown. In these terms, the X12 is what
youd expect for the price.
If price is a consideration, the Paradigm Reference Studio
10 v.5 is a great all-around monitor that does a lot right, including going deeper in the
bass than the Excite X12 and being able to play amazingly loud -- and its still my
choice for the speaker to get for under a grand. But Dynaudios Excite X12 has
certain strengths that I havent found in any speakers costing less than $1200/pair.
If someone chose the X12 over the Studio 10 v.5 to get those strengths, I can certainly
understand why -- theyre why I liked the X12 from the first moment I heard it, and
why it remains a favorite to listen to today.
In some ways, Dynaudios Excite X12 wont seem
too, um, exciting, at least for its price. Its very well built and nicely
finished -- but at $1200/pair, it should be. It has a fairly neutral tonal balance and is
very well extended in the highs, but its size limits its bass extension. The X12 is fairly
easy to drive and should work well with a wide variety of amps, but it will play only so
loud, and is better suited to a small- or mid-sized room than to a large one. In that way,
its kind of ho-hum.
But any ho-hum quality is overcome by the Excite X12s
tremendous strengths. The X12s do the best "disappearing" act of any small
speaker I know of at or near its price. Voices and instruments exit the cabinets leaving
no hint of where they came from. The X12s also create a sense of spaciousness that make
them sound like much larger speakers, and lay out a soundstage with first-rate precision.
The midband is marvelously detailed and beautifully fleshed out -- voices sound natural,
real, and alive, and the way they leap from these little boxes is impressive to hear. Last
but not least, the X12s highs extend freely, cleanly, and sweetly. These are traits
that beg comparison with speakers considerably higher in price.
Every loudspeaker is a balance of compromises. You
cant get everything out of a pair of small boxes -- there will always be
deficiencies. But its the Dynaudio Excite X12s considerable strengths that
make it special, even unique -- I dont know of another small speaker that plays
quite like this one. The Excite X12 is now one of my favorite small speakers, and
certainly is something to get excited about.
. . . Doug Schneider
Price of equipment reviewed