Reviews of Attainable Hi-Fi & Home-Theater Equipment

Reviews of Attainable Hi-Fi & Home-Theater Equipment

To Hans Wetzel,

Thanks for the great reviews. I read somewhere that you own the Mirage OMD-28s, but that you have the GoldenEar Triton Threes in for review. When is that review being published? I can buy some OMD-28s used, but I want to know what you have to say about the Threes. Anything you can tell me?


I have only had the Triton Threes for a month, so I don't want to say too much without further listening. Generally, I think they offer very high performance for their $2000 asking price. Their High Velocity Folded Ribbon tweeter is both smooth and revealing, and the powered bass section opens the door to potentially using low-powered amplifiers. I think they would work best in small to medium-sized rooms. Look for a review in October.

The Mirages are lovely, both in appearance and performance, but very high maintenance. In order to sing, they require at least 2-4' from the front wall, and ideally need to be placed equally far from the sidewalls, due to their omnidirectional dispersion pattern. As a result, they are best suited to a larger listening room. They also demand a fair bit of power and current. I found that the bass section, which is very near full range, will sound noticeably tighter when there is a lot of power behind it. Having recently spent a half hour or so with GoldenEar's larger Triton Two loudspeakers, I think they compare more favorably to the Mirages than the Triton Threes, which in comparison don't produce quite as much sonic size or deep bass. In a smaller room, I would suggest either of the GoldenEar models over the Mirages, as their bass output can be adjusted via a knob on their rear panels, and the Three's smaller enclosure and less powerful amplifier won't be pushed beyond its limits. In a larger room with proper positioning, however, the Mirages should shine, and I suspect only the Triton Twos would be able to offer a comparable experience in terms of outright volume, soundstage scale, and bass extension. . . . Hans Wetzel