Reviews of Attainable Hi-Fi & Home-Theater Equipment

Reviews of Attainable Hi-Fi & Home-Theater Equipment

To Hans Wetzel,

I enjoyed your review of the KEF R900. I hope you are still enjoying them. I heard them at the recent New York Audio Show and really enjoyed them. In fact I enjoyed them so much, that my pair will be arriving Monday.

I was hoping you might share some thoughts on driving them. Currently I have an Arcam A32 and a P35 to passive biamp them. The more I read, the less I think of passive biamping. As funds become available I am considering my upgrade options. I'm thinking of getting an integrated with less than 200Wpc. Considering Hegel -- read your review -- or maybe Plinius. Appreciate any thoughts.

Mike Breunig

Arcam makes some great, neutral-sounding stuff. I actually have the A19 integrated amplifier in for review right now. Given the age of your components, however, I can understand the desire to upgrade. While I can definitely recommend Hegel's products, as I own the H300 integrated and have spent some time with their P20 preamplifier, I am not familiar with Plinius's products. But the Hegel H100 would be a solid start.

Arcam's A38 might be a good replacement, given your Arcam experience, and I have found that Rogue Audio's Sphinx integrated amplifier (GoodSound! review to come) works well with my KEFs. This is just a smattering of suggestions, and all are good products. . . . Hans Wetzel